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Some of the most rewarding work I’ve ever done for guests has been at a time when they face having to lose their hair. Cancer treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be terrifying for lots of reasons, but hair loss is difficult for all of us.

I’d like to tell you about a new charity collaboration at Studio2. Fellow hairdresser Joe Milazzo discovered a need for compassion and good quality advice when his wife was diagnosed with 

Hair Reborn

breast cancer. Whilst the Health Service was brilliant in all things medical, they had little to offer in the post-treatment of hair regrowth.

HAIR REBORN is a 4 step programme for people dealing with hair loss through cancer chemotherapy treatment.  It offers a free confidential hair care service from the moment someone is told they may lose their hair, through to styling their hair as it grows back, helping them on their journey to recovery.

  1. REASSURE – a telephone consultation to explain what might happen to your hair during treatment and hairstyle advice.
  2. RESTYLE – an appointment to style your hair as it falls out so you’re comfortable as any changes occur.
  3. RESTART – a first shape, 8 to 10 weeks after chemotherapy treatment ends to shape your new hair as it begins to grow.
  4. REBORN – approximately 8 to 10 weeks later a cut and style with guidance on managing, colouring and looking after your new hair.

If you need some help for yourself or a relative/friend/partner please call for confidential advice on 01403 255555 or for more details visit