You may remember, as previously declared in these pages, January, February and March are, controversially, my favourite months. Days get longer, spring is just around the corner and a whole fresh year ahead of us all puts a spring in my step.
Now, I do love a wedding don’t you? Generally, they are a bit like buses – you know, one comes along about every five years. So far Tim and I have already been invited to six this year, two of our offspring amongst them! Now that is a lot of outfits!
A wedding brings friends and family together with the sharing of food, wine and a general good time – you get to meet new friends and catch up with others that you might not have seen for a while.
At Studio 2 we love to create a culture where we get to know the friends and families of our existing guests – we call it our “introduce a friend program”. I’m sure many of you have taken part in this before.
It works like this; send a relative, friend, teammate, workmate, lover (hello!!), complete stranger who compliments your hair in the supermarket (true story), or anyone that you would like to share a present with and we will reward you both with an amazing 2 for 1 offer*.
We all enjoy a surprise present so please shout about our best kept secret!