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The Art of Colour Application

Mandy Masters

You see, I’ve got some bad habits that bother my husband.

  1. In any town or country we visit I’m prone to pressing my nose against the glass of hair salons looking for new ideas (which he calls “nosey”).
  2. People watching (which he calls “staring”).
  3. Listening to other people’s conversations in restaurants (which he calls “rude”).

The problem is that…I just love people.

When I look at someone I’m assessing whether their hair shape is right for them and if the colour enhances the overall look. I know you can walk into a pharmacy or supermarket and purchase “ash blonde” or “rich brown” but colour is really about;

  1. Tone = cool or warm.
  2. Placement = walls, blocks or diffusion.
  3. Techniques = weaving, slicing, freehand, contouring, balayage, framing etc.

Each, when used correctly, help to correct any issues with the fabric of hair e.g. fineness, thickness, curly, straight (we are never happy with what we’ve got) and can draw the eye to a best feature or away from a less desirable family inheritance.

Lastly, when you have purchased this beautiful colour which really suits you we know how to care for it. You see if one buys an expensive cashmere or a to “dye” for silk one needs the cleaning instructions to extend its life.

If you would love to discuss this kind of detail please book a consultation and quote: art of colour application

Much love, “The Nosey One”